1. Face The Night
2. I'll Be There
3. Takin' Me Down
4. Can't Find My Way
Artist : Hardline
Country : USA
Release : The Double Eclipse Demos
Year : 1992
Genre : Hard Rock
File Type : mp3 128
Gaining a small part playing a band called SMASH PALACE in the movie 'Smash, Crash And Burn', and having Dana Strum of VINNIE VINCENT'S INVASION and SLAUGHTER repute, produce their first, five track demo, BRUNETTE were swiftly becoming a hot act on the Los Angeles scene. But the elusive record deal always seemed to be out of reach
The Gioeli brothers split the band to team up with fabled JOURNEY and BAD ENGLISH guitarist NEAL SCHON, who had family connections, becoming their brother-in-law after his marriage to the Gioeli's sister, HARDLINE was formed.
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